
Connect with the Lesbian chat Community

  • What is the SHOE Lesbian Chat Community?
For Lesbians made by Lesbians. Create your own Profile, upload Photos, Videos and Playlists, write Blogs, chat with others in our free Lesbian Chat or browse our Lesbian Personals and more! SHOE Lesbian Community: Guaranteed 100% TOTALLY GIRL POWERED! Join thousands of Lesbians Today!

SHOE was launched 1997 as the first Lesbian Online Community worldwide. We provide Free Lesbian Chatrooms, Networking, Dating, Friendship and Resources For Lesbians Everywhere and Anywhere - of all Ages, Races and Cultures. The SHOE Lesbian Online Community is made by Lesbians for Lesbians -- 100% TOTALLY GIRL POWERED

SHOE is a Lesbian Community, a safe place where women not only meet new friends and have lots of fun, but also a safe place, where we are there for each other, where we help each other, where to empower each other and build a unit... a real lesbian community with Body and Soul and the ♥ Heart ♥ in the right place!

The SHOE Lesbian Online Community is a global site but makes it easy to connect with Lesbians in your area. SHOE is probably the safest and most welcoming place on the Internet.

A recent SHOE survey showed, that over 80% our members think that the SHOE Lesbian Online Community has NOTICEABLY less scams, fakes and/or men compared to any other lesbian websites.

  • What does SHOE stand for?

For Lesbians made by Lesbians. Create your own Profile, upload Photos, Videos and Playlists, write Blogs, chat with others in our free Lesbian Chat or browse our Lesbian Personals and more! SHOE Lesbian Community: Guaranteed 100% TOTALLY GIRL POWERED! Join thousands of Lesbians Today!

No oh dear... no... we do not have a shoe fetish *lol* Our name "SHOE" is a real brainteaser for some and that's what we tried to achieve. The Lesbian Community is so full of wonderful and amazing women, so full of diversity which we want to celebrate.

Hence the unraveleling of this mystery surrounding our name is as easy as this:
There are as many different types of shoes, as there are differen types of lesbian women!

  • Why should I sign up to the SHOE Lesbian Social Network?

SHOE Lesbian Online Community has a fresh, kewl and different way to cruise through lesbian cyber life. We no longer burn our bras, but wear our Wonderbras with Pride :-)

SHOE wants to help lesbians to be proud of who they are and give them the chance to meet other lesbians in a very easy and uncomplicated way. In reality or cyberworld. For friendship or love. For advice or help. We are here for each other!

Click here to register for free.

  • Getting started on the SHOE Lesbian Online Community

All of the female species are welcome to join the SHOE Lesbian Network. We are primarily a Lesbian Community but welcome all women. SHOE is free for everyone. If at a later stage you decide to support SHOE financially, you can always upgrade your membership and benefit from additional features.

Now get started by creating your own Profile, add photos, comment on photos, start your own playlist and make lots of new lesbian friends. A very warm welcome to the SHOE Lesbian Online Community We are looking forward to welcoming you into our lesbian community.

Take your shoes off and get yourself comfy...You have just found a new (virtual) home
Get started right here: